
sábado, 29 de abril de 2017

Aldina Duarte - As Duas Graças (O encontro)

Quando as duas raparigas
Cruzaram o seu caminho
Vinham perdidas de riso
Entre a graça das amigas
Ele, que vinha sozinho
Ficou bastante indeciso

Parou pra melhor as ver
E, nesse olhar reparando
Pararam elas também
E, se uma era fogo a arder
Pois a outra, em lume brando
Queimava como ninguém

Loira uma, outra morena
Uma acendia desejos
Na outra havia mistério
E, enquanto da mais pequena
Queria abraços e beijos
Com a alta o caso era sério

Ao pé delas tarde fora
Dessas duas raparigas
Foi só uma que escolheu
E quem se riu chora agora
Pois entre invejas e brigas
Quase tudo se perdeu
E hoje chegou a hora
De vos contar as intrigas
Porque a escolhida fui eu

Maria do Rosário Pedreira / Alfredo"Correeiro" (Marcha do Correeiro)
When the two girls
Crossed their path
There was a loss of laughter
Between the grace of the friends
He who came alone
He was quite undecided.

Stopped for the better to see them
And, in that look repairing
They also stopped
And if one was burning fire
For the other, in a low flame
Burned like nobody else

Blonde one, another brunette
One lighted wishes
In the other there was mystery
And while the smallest
I wanted hugs and kisses
With the discharge the case was serious

At the foot of them outside
Of these two girls
It was only one that chose
And whoever laughed cries now
For between envy and fights
Almost everything is lost
And the time has come for the time
Tell you the intrigues
Because I was the chosen one

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